Attack Simulation

How prepared is your organisation for a real attack?

Test your technology, processes and people against real world attack scenarios using advanced tactics, techniques and procedures.



What We Do

The Adversarial Simulation is mostly geared toward mature organisations that have already gone through multiple rounds of a traditional Penetration Test, have heavily invested in Information Security and associated controls and want to move to the next level by bringing in the people and the processes in the equation. 

We go after a specific critical asset and have no limits on how we can go about achieving the objective of the test.

Why You Need This Service


Applies to all industries and security maturity levels.


Analysis with bleeding-edge techniques.


Research to protect your assets and your reputation.

Taylor made service

Based on methodology and expertise.


Expert advice in remediation, up-to-date research and training.


We find issues before others do. We are committed to your information security.

Discover how well you respond to real world attacks by persistent threat actors

Our Adversarial Services

Adversary Simulation (Red Teaming)

Using advanced security tactics, an undercover consultant simulates the actions of a real attacker to accomplish a specific objective without being detected. These tests are run in a mature environment, stocks are evaluated based on a risk versus reward formula.
OrionX offers two approaches when it comes to Red Teaming:

From the outside: your organisation is attacked from the Internet. It includes conducting reconnaissance and social engineering attacks.

From the inside: access to an internal workstation and credential identifies up to what level of information can be accessed. 


Collaborative Adversary Simulation (Purple Teaming)

This evolution of the adversary simulation service also considers real world application cases and joint threat intelligence data. OrionX closely collaborates with your defensive team members monitoring and logging our activities in a synergistic manner.

The Purple Teaming exercise can help you:

To identify gaps in your organisation's security controls.

To tune security controls.  



Social Engineering

Is the psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. It has also been defined as "any act that influences a person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interests".

We offer a specialist service to test the people part of the People, Process and Technology triad with a selection of several implementations such as Phishing, USB drops and Vishing to cater for diverse use cases. 



Our Clients' Success Stories

dLocal case study

Cybersecurity ally for the global growth of a unicorn


PCI DSS Compliance programs

5 cont

Cloud Security Ecosystem

Rapid growth with a Cloud environment. From PCI DSS compliance programs to offensive security beyond compliance.

LOGPay case study

Security and data management for the mobility of European companies.





Increasing the security posture of critical assets and keeping operations running. Supporting real-time mobility with security services external, internal, segmentation and web application penetration testing.

What Our Clients Say

"OrionX team of Foregenix consultants are genuinely interested in helping us mature our security strategies. OrionX team is able to provide offensive services as well as security compliance and consulting at the speed that is required in our industry".
Gregor J. Kovacs

Chief Information Security Officer of LOGPay

"The team of professional consultants has the capacity and specific knowledge of cloud environments to improve the security posture of our digital ecosystem. They have provided us with orientation and training in various languages according to our needs. Foregenix has shown us to have the ability and knowledge to accompany us with PCI DSS compliance programs, training in secure code development and offensive security tests (pentesting applications, network) among other information security services beyond compliance".
Javier David

Chief Information Security Officer of DLocal

Why us?

We perform Offensive Security Services tailored to deliver effective security while transferring knowledge to help our customers mature their defensive strategy.

We can help you to conduct effective, value-for-money offensive operation services as part of a technical security assurance framework.

We are trusted, independent certified company who employs professional, ethical and highly technically competent professionals in cybersecurity.

We are a CREST member company certified in Penetration Testing. 

+12 years of experience

+12 languages

+20 countries

+1500 satisfied customers



Absolutely, we have experience in several environments, businesses and technologies. We can provide bespoke security tests to any requirement. 

Yes, we manage our own infrastructure to provide secure and stable remote access globally.


OrionX can provide software (stand-alone or cloud-based) and hardware remote-based solutions that can fit any environment.


Vulnerability Assessment is a set of predefined tests to be run 100% automated.

Penetration Testing is a human-led test conducted by an expert in cybersecurity tailored to find vulnerabilities in a targeted environment.

As adversaries are humans, it makes sense to check if their procedures, tactics and techniques can be effective against your company's environment or infrastructure.


Yes, different types of penetration tests, as well as methodologies such as black-box. white-box and grey-box assessments, are designed to test your environment. 

OrionX can guide you to the best approach scenario to test your security. 


OrionX team members are not consultants repeating a procedure. We are true experts in cybersecurity, developers, sysadmins and computer geeks with strong technical skills, solid experience and technical knowledge across a wide range of technologies. We understand customer's needs and adversary techniques. 

Your consultant is committed to providing clear and timely information to make opportune decisions and implement actions across the test execution. We understand your business and communicate actively with a legitimate sense of urgency.    


Learn more about the methodologies and application of our cybersecurity testing services for your business.


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Discover all the Offensive Security Services that we can provide you to improve your defensive strategy.


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